Charles Ellis

Born in Lexington Kentucky, Charles Ellis is a self taught, abstract colorist who works mainly in oil on canvas and French paper. Painting without forethought, he works to keep ahead of the inner narrator to be fully present and connect with and express something deeper that is beautiful and aesthetic.
Charles’s work is about the subconscious and beauty; about letting dreams come through and the viewer finding the reflections of their deepest thoughts.
Feeding the mind, traveling since the age of twenty, Charles has been to museums + art galleries in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Ireland, Scotland and Cuba; along with New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Cincinnati and Louisville. After living in England for five years and seven months in Cuba, Charles returned to Kentucky to drink in the colors and create from a palette rich in history and culture.
“I am an artist - abstract, oil painter, mixed media, digital photographer, and colorist. I like to experiment and discover through Art.”